Android Vs. iPhone

1076 Words3 Pages

In the war of best smart phone system, prevailing in fast pacing technical world. When it comes to the latest smart phone with the best performance, the first two names that come into mind are the iPhone OS and Android. Both are polar opposites of each other with the same goal and same destination, which is to become a successful operating system to be used for the latest smart phone. iPhone OS has emerged a clear winner in spite of tough competition from its nearest rival Android. The objective of the paper is to find the better smart phone OS from point of view of consumers. The thesis below will highlight few of the key points on areas like simplicity, user friendly and reliability among others.

Knowing iOS
Almost all the applications provided by Apple and some third party developers can be seen by the iPhone users on their Home screen of the iOS. Also as per one’s need, additional applications may be downloaded from the App store. Apps like Air-Drop and iTunes Radio are noteworthy (JDIX, 2012). They can even rearrange the icons, Develop some Web Clips or play with the folders. The operating system iOS supports all the Apple products, namely iPhone, i-Pad and iPod Touch. It is responsible for the motion graphics of the interface by working along with the Power-VR hardware. It consumes only around some half gigabyte. Applications need to be complied separately for the iOS, as directly copying them from the Mac OS X will not work (Kima, Ilon, & Altmann, 2013). iTunes is responsible for managing the iPhone. The iPhone OS is freely updated by Apple with the help of iTunes and new models were accompanied by the major updates. The software may be updated as required as updates help to fix bugs, supports many new add...

... middle of paper ... downloaded to the device (REMNELAND-WIKHAMN & LJUNGBERG, 2011).
• Simplicity
Using iPhone is very easy along with its navigation; no one needs to read a manual to handle the iPhone. Handling it is very natural and easy. However the case is not the same with Android.
The iPhone OS is much easier to handle as there is just one testing platform. Android developers have to cater to the needs of multiple ones like its buttons, touch screens which are the ready alternatives (Reisinger, 2012).

Thus, the software of the two companies continues competing with each other, thereby producing much more user friendly applications. The fact that iPhone OS is produced by one company is an added advantage for the iPhone developers as it helps them to control their software and fix their bugs much more easily. Thus Apple iPhone OS turns out to be a better software.

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