Andrew's Brain Quotes

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Yeah, _Andrew’s Brain_ is overwhelmingly filled with material to analyze.

“Writing is like talking to yourself, which I have been doing with you all along anyway” (51). I’m seeing this quote as it is. On the same page, Andrew says to “Doc,” “I am safe here. I mean, for all we know I put you in danger every time I walk into your office” (51). The paragraph ends with no reply from “Doc.” The paragraph comes to a halt and the next paragraph begins a Mark Twain discussion. I think a major theme to the novel is when Andrew remarks, “How MT dealt with life was to make a point of explaining children to adults, and adults to children” (51). It’s as if there’s no difference between children and adults, which is similar to the behavior of schizophrenics. Moreover, Andrew changes to second person in one of his memories he’s retelling: “Your cheeks were red, your nose was dripping water, snow clung to your eyebrows, snow was under your sleeves and inside your boots” (57). Doesn't seem like a significant quote, however it is if you consider Andrew just talking to himself throughout the book. Why else would he change the point of view? He’s remembering for his own sake. The novel reflects the …show more content…

Like you said last week, “a funhouse hall of mirrors, all comic and tragic distortions of reflections with no exit, not for Andrew and not for the reader.” I either find myself laughing,

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