Andrew Jackson And Theadore Roosevelt

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Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt were two men with very many things in common. They both were Presidents in the United States of America at some point in time. They each have served many years as some sort of governor with Jackson being the military governor of Florida and Roosevelt being the governor of New York. Roosevelt and Jackson were major influences towards this country. But even with those similarities between them they were two men with differences. One was a big military man while the other was an author with eighteen books written and a few other attributes. All of these are just a few examples of how important these men were and how their related or not.

The main similarity between Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt was the fact that they both were one of the presidents of the United States of America. Jackson and Roosevelt had both served at least two terms in office. They both had some sort of failed assassination attempt against each of them. The both of them had admitted one or more states into America. with Theodore Roosevelt just admitting Oklahoma into the union and Andrew Jackson admitting Arkansas and Michigan into the union. These are just a few similarities between these two men during their period of presidency.

Even though Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt were alike in a couple of ways during their presidency for the United States of America they were also very unique and did many different things from each other. Some unique facts about Theodore Roosevelt were he was the youngest president ever in office and the first president who came into office due to the death of the president. Roosevelt was also the first president to be under constant secret service .Theodore Roosevelt was a le...

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...velt had a major impact in everything he did. For example how he went and changed the way the police department ran. With this he became President of the board of New York Police commoners. Roosevelt was a great leader and showed it by being a president or leader of everything he did such as he was leader of the Rough Riders. Also he was President of the U.S. American Historical Association. He stuck through everything he did while carrying though with his motto with him “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”

In conclusion Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt were full of similarities and differences. What was seen though was more similarities than differences. They were both great men and a great part in our American History. They made this country great, marked their names in history books, and have helped influence it into the place it is today.

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