Andrew Jackson: A Hero Or Villain?

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Andrew Jackson the 7th president of the United States was he a hero or a villain? While there were some questionable choices Jackson made in his life. There are many reasons people consider Andrew Jackson a hero. The first and foremost reason is his military service to the country. Andrew Jackson’s actions would also lead to the expansion of the United states into Florida. Andrew Jackson as the president was known as the president of the “Common Man” and he lowered the national debt to a record low. Andrew Jackson was an honest man stood up for his beliefs of what was right that is what makes him a hero.
Andrew Jackson’s military career would begin at the age of only 13 in the Revolutionary War where he would join the patriots and be captured
Andrew Jackson was a president for the “common man” this was a changing point in American politics. Pro Jackson’s would form the democratic party while the elites would be called the Whig party. Andrew Jackson did not like the Bank of the United States he claimed it to be a corrupt monopoly. Jackson claimed the Bank was only benefiting the wealth, and using loans to influence elections. Andrew Jackson vetoed the re-chartering of the Bank with the claim to defend the common man against governmental tyranny. Jackson last effort in bringing an end to the bank was to withdraw federal funds from the Bank of the United States and put them in state banks. When Jackson took office in 1832 the national debt was $7 million by 1835 Jackson had paid off the national debt although it only lasted 1 year. Andrew Jackson is the only president in history to completely pay off the national debt. Andrew Jackson would also be credited with the “spoils system”. When Jackson took office, he vowed to remove corrupt and inapt civil service employees. Jackson initiated an investigation on the executive cabinet members and departments. Jackson would replace 20% of the federal office position in his first term. Jackson would replace much or the federal cabinet with his loyal

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