Analysis of Religious Programs on Television

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Analysis of Religious Programs on Television

I believe there are a poor variety of religious programmes on T.V.

They are on Sundays on the BBC, which has God slots at A.M and P.M.

Also ITV/C4 have religious programmes but they are spread out, they

don't have God slots. They are on T.V because of the law called

"Public Service Broadcasting". There are different types of religious

programmes, some are about worship, serious documentary while others

are like magazine and aimed at children.

The first religious programme that I watched was Islam Empire of

Faith. This programme was a documentary programme. It was a single

programme screened on the BBC at Ramadan. It had a narrator. The music

was traditional style. The programme was about the history of Islam

and prophet Muhammad. I thought the programme was interesting, because

it was about Islam and I'm a Muslim, so I found it interesting

learning the history of Islam. But I don't think non-Muslims wound

like it, but people who are interested in Islam wound like it.

The second religious that I watched was Kumbh Mela. This programme was

a documentary programme. It was on for 2 weeks every weekday on

7:50p.m on C4. The programme was about Kumbh Mela, which is a Hindu

festival that comes every 12 years, where Hindus can bath in the

Ganges and clean themselves of bad karma. This would mean that when

they are reincarnated they will comeback as something better. The

programme was aimed mainly Hindus but also non-believes. I though the

boring, because I didn't find it interesting, entertaining and it no

use to me.

The third programme that I watched was Songs of Praise. This programme

was a worship programme. It is a part of a series on every week on

Sunday about 6:40p.m. It was presented by an ex-Blue Peter presenter.

The music featured is hymn singing. The programme is about going to

different parts of the country and seeing how do Christians live their

lives and about hymn singing. The programme is aimed at Christians.

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