Analysis of 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B. Priestly

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Analysis of 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B. Priestly

‘An Inspector Calls’ is a twentieth century drama written by J.B.

Priestly in 1947 but takes place in 1912.

This story is about the Birling family celebrating their daughter,

Sheila’s engagement to Gerald Croft. A few pages into the story, an

Inspector called Goole which means ‘spirit in death’ interrogates the

family and the story of Eva’s death unfolds. As it progresses each

character realises their connection to her tragic death.

Behind this story there are many meanings or points that Priestly

wanted to get across, especially his views on socialists and

capitalists. A socialist is somebody who believes in and supports

socialism or socialists party. Inspector Goole’s character portrays

Priestly’s views on socialists but on the other hand Mr Birling is

against the ideas of socialists and is a prime example of a

capitalist. A Capitalist is a wealthy person, especially somebody made

rich by capitalism and considered to be avaricious.

The story was based in 1912, right before the 1st and 2nd world war,

The Labour Strikes, The sinking of the Titanic and The Suffragettes.

Parts of Mr Birling’s speeches create dramatic irony as the Titanic

did sink and the war did happen.

In ‘An Inspector Calls’ tension is created in many ways. It can be

created by stage directions and the characters use of language.

To answer the question above, I am going to see what techniques

Priestly uses to create dramatic tension in Act 3 and how it would be

shown on a staged production.

In this play, Inspector Goole portrays Prieslty’s views and opinions

on socialists and capitalists. The Insp...

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when Eric returned just in time for the inspector to interrogate him

and how it connected to his mother story. Priestly adding a final

suspension to the play; which was the phone ring at the end made it a

really good cliff hanger. If it were to be put on stage production and

to create dramatic tension, they would have to bring the characters

out from the book and portray their personalities. By using dramatic

entrances and exit in the right places would create tension for

instance Eric’s entrance. The actor who plays the inspector would have

to be confident but blunt, manipulative and show no emotion. By this,

this will create tension as the audience would want to know who the

inspector is. Finally I think that Priestly’s play was a smart way of

portraying the socialism, capitalism and politics in the world.

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