Analysis: Should Teens Be Tried As Adults

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Should teens be tried as an adult? The amount of violence in our society today show us the message “crime does not pay”. If a young teen commits a crime whether it's murder or rape, they should be tried as an adult. It all ties down on what crime they commit. Trying them as adults would convince actual teenage offenders that if they commit adult crimes, they will serve adult times. Teenagers who commit a violent crimes in a adult court would serve as a authoritative deterrent. If we tried them as an adult there will be learn for their accountability and responsibilities in the court laws. When a teenager commits a crime such as murder they must be tried as an adult, and should not be treated like a juvenile, but with full force of the law as an adult. If a teen commits a crime and were smart enough to do it then they should be tried as an adult. 13-16 years old are capable of knowing what they commited and should realized they are going to take the responsibility of their crime.” Trying children as adults has coincided with lower rates of juvenile crimes…. if you commit a terrible crime, you will spend a considerable part of your life in jail”. This means if we give children short sentences or rehabilitation they won’t learn …show more content…

We have to realize that the people around us influence or actions and our change of character. Accountability is necessary from criminals. Victims perceive the juvenile system as an injustice. Families of the rape, murder and violence victims watch as the law, loss and horror with leniency eliciting a feeling of lack of justice.” The fact of a child killer knows how to load and shoot a gun is an indicator that they understand exactly what they’re doing.” Seeing from tvs to real life. Children learn and watch around them. From growing up of a violent or abuse family they catch up to

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