Analysis Of You Have To Love Dancing To Stick To It

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The article, “You Have To Love Dancing To Stick To It”, written by Merce Cunningham was exceptionally relatable amongst the group discussion with the dancers. The structure of this article was much like a poem. Depending upon the reader, each section could be broken down into different ideas. Merce Cunninhams’s background consist of beginning as a tap dancer, studying with Martha Graham, and commenced the Merce Cunningham Dance Company in 1953. He choreographed pieces outside of the theater and collaborated on filmdances, videodances, and instrumental in the development of computer programs for dance (90). Referring back to his choreographic skills, Cunningham is an artist that not everyone enjoyed. His focus was directed to seperating the human being from their actions. …show more content…

The mind can say how beautiful as the music hints at or strikes out with color” (91). She then argued that music and dance can be seen from two different perspectives. Just as Merce Cunningham said, “dancing does not have anything to do with the music.” Dancers have the ability to move against the music and create a different story than what the music portrays. With this being said, Joy agreed to Savage’s statement saying most dancers are not influenced by music, which is true. Relating back to our floor phrase in modern, we were instructed to move on our own time and not with the music. I was not influenced by the music, but by the way the set movement made my body move through the space whether it was carried with momentum or fluidity. Agreeing with this statement, I also added, “As I perform, I am dancing for myself, and not for others around me.”, meaning I do not permit the music to influence my movement, but I allow it to move my body through the space different than others because not every one moves the

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