Analysis Of Two Ways To Belong In America By Bharati Mukherjee

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Identity n. the fact of being who or what a person or thing is, the characteristics determining who or what a thing is. We all have a set of characteristics we define ourselves by, be they cultural, social, religious, or physical. I am a blonde, blue eyed, formerly catholic, bisexual, American female of European descent. To take one of these things away would be to lose a fraction of my self conception, even if some of the items on my list are contradictory or outdated. In her essay, Two Ways to Belong in America, Bharati Mukherjee contrasts her sense of identity with her sister's. Bharati defines herself by where she is presently. In contrast, Mira has attached her identity to where she is from, India. Bharati writes of her sister, "She is here …show more content…

Is it wrong to ask that if someone wants to live and work in America they become American? There is a fear of immigration in this country, and many others, that stems from an even deeper fear. A fear of the unknown. We, as human beings, are constantly categorizing everything and everyone around us based on preconceived notions of our identity and their own. We are continuously searching for things that are familiar, because we know they are safe. We form groups with like-minded individuals, bond with friends and strangers over similar experiences, and prefer places and things we recognize. Things that differ are, in our subconscious mind, inherently bad. It is our responsibility to recognize and correct this in our behavior. Mira has every right to be affronted by the expectation that she become American. America is not harmed by her lack of citizenship. They do, in fact, benefit from her being here. She angrily explains this herself, "I've invested my creativity and professional skills into the improvement of this country's preschool system. I've obeyed all the rules, I've payed my taxes, I love my work... How dare America now change it's rules in

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