Analysis Of The Pool In The Great Gatsby

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Bang! A man flops into his pool with his blood contaminating the pristine water he lies in. Eventually the last breath is lifted and a lifeless body lies in the pool. This incident from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, focuses on one character: Jay Gatsby. Gatsby was known by the others for his parties, his wealth, and his love for Daisy, but Gatsby was also known for his illegal activities. By understanding that Gatsby made money to win Daisy back, the pool in the book represents two ideas: Gatsby’s love for Daisy and Gatsby’s obsession to marry Daisy. The pool represents Gatsby’s lost time with Daisy, which ultimately puts him in the crosshairs of a murder incident. Readers can understand this concept throughout the book, but is more …show more content…

However, to understand this concept it is crucial to understand where Gatsby’s wealth comes from. Gatsby’s wealth was obtained from selling “grain alcohol over the counter” (133) during a time when prohibition was enacted. He would then spend his money on parties where his guests would “dive from the tower of his rafts” (39) into his pools. From Gatsby’s parties it is evident that Gatsby allows his guests to enjoy his wealth through instances such as partying in his pool. Gatsby’s wishes to keep all of his guests joyous at his parties through his wealth resulting in there to be an alternative symbolic meaning for the pool. The pool may represent Gatsby’s want to express joy. Noticing that Gatsby wants to express joy is important, because it describes why Gatsby wants to marry Daisy. Due to Gatsby believing he would not be able to keep Daisy happy through events such as his parties and objects such as his pool, he bootlegged alcohol so he could marry Daisy. Gatsby may feel that money means happiness since when “He was poor … [Daisy] was tired of waiting for him” (130). However, by acquiring riches such as the pool, Gatsby believes he can win Daisy back, resulting in Gatsby to believe that his riches are the primary reason why Daisy will fall in love with him

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