Summary: The One Memory Of Flora Banks

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As depicted in The One Memory of Flora Banks, past events can greatly impact the remainder of your journey through life. Patients who suffer from Anterograde Amnesia lose the ability to create new memories as a result of a past incident. They are unable to recall recent events, while long-term memories from prior to the event are still there. Despite this terrible condition, patients must somehow find ways to cope or overcome their daily struggles or obstacles. In Emily Barr’s novel, Flora Banks, the main character, suffers from this same disorder and has had no short-term memory ever since the removal of her brain tumor. Flora eventually restores her memory and learns the truth about herself through an adventure to the arctic, with the help of friends and family, her notebook, and symbolic inscriptions written on her arm.
With the aid of her brother, Jacob, and her best friend, Paige, Flora is able to learn the truth about herself and discover her authentic past. Although Jacob lives in France, he still looks out for Flora from afar, sending her encouragement and support through emails and letters, telling her to “travel and have adventure,” and “make decisions and take control.” (Barr 281) …show more content…

In times that Flora feels that she is lost or confused, she resorts to her notebook to remind her that she is “Flora Banks,” and suffers from “Anterograde Amnesia (121).” Since her mind resets every couple of hours, Flora needs written reminders to help her remember who she is and why her memory is so limited. Especially in new surroundings, it’s very common to feel disoriented and out of place. When feeling discombobulated, Flora rereads her mom’s written words over and over “until the information sinks in (260).” To Flora, the notebook is a very important artifact that helps to guide her along her incredible journey. It serves as a memory refresher when Flora’s recollection of her past becomes

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