Analysis Of The Movie Hoofmeisie

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This is a movie review about the movie “Hoofmeisie”. In this review, I will critically discuss: Leadership styles and changes, Teambuilding activities and Ethical dilemmas that occur throughout the movie.
HOOFMEISIE is a hilarious and honest family comedy about four primary school girls who, under their dominating mothers, go to extremes to be elected as the head girl of their primary school.

Nadia van Heerden is a loving and motivated orphan with an ambitious dream to become the head girl of her school. Her hard work, however, is sabotaged time and again by the tomboy Hetwieg, the sly Susan and Nadia's best friend, Melissa, all of whom are also competing for the title. The opening scene begins at the award ceremony where in Nadia’s dream, Nadia is selected as Hoofmeisie, this scene starts in harmony, but soon turns out to be a catastrophic when comments are passed down to Nadia and the mothers of the children begin to bicker. When Nadia awakens from her dream, she acknowledges herself as Hoofmeisie, sparking a great dislike from her grandmother who has lost hope because of the constraints that have knocked her down.
Nadia’s passion of becoming Hoofmeisie is soon brought to the fore when she is told that dreams do not come true. The second scene opens with one of Nadia’s strongest competition, Susaan Vivier, a devilish and problematic child whose mother is so obsessed with Susaan becoming Hoofmeisie, that she compiles a devious plan to oust out the competition so that her daughter could have the competitive advantage and become Hoofmeisie. During this scene, Susaan’s mother has compiled a list of wh...

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...see Nadia become head girl and she kept on acknowledging it from the beginning, however because Melissa’s mother wanted the opposite it made it seem as though Melissa was shallow. Melissa is however honest and shows sincerity and integrity in all her actions, however she doesn’t constitute deceptive behaviour.

Imaginative. Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. This leadership style best describes Susan but in a negative manner because all of her plans are constituted by a sinister mindset. Her solution to a problem is to get rid of it. She is not competent and does not base her actions on morals and basic principles she just wants to win hoofmeisie at whatever cost and with a mother that is willing to help her she might just achieve that goal

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