Analysis Of The Movie 'He's Just Not Into You'

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After watching the movie “He’s Just Not That Into You” I realized how much our class has taught, us about societal issues. As the movie begins it starts off by showing a few different views of friends who are all young and looking for love in Baltimore. As the movie begins I instantly saw many issues and topics we have discussed in class prevalent. Issues such cohabitation, gender, social stress, marriage, societal norms, and several other issues we have discussed throughout this class. Personally, I believe these issues are even more prevalent when we are young because one can feel rushing into things and possibly fit in with the rest of their social circle. This is also very prevalent as well in the movie “He’s Just Not Into You” because …show more content…

One prime example was when one of the main characters Gigi Philips find her self in a constant first date rut. She cannot figure out why a man will not call back after a first date with her. After a while of unsuccessful dates, she begins to get aggravated and stressed. I believe she gets like this because she is feeling a lot of social stress from society and her circle of friends who are in happy relationships or married. Gigi is the lone female in her friend group who is still trying to find the one. Although there are many people like her in the world, Gigi feels she’s like she is the only one due to her social circle and the effects of social stress on herself. Furthermore, as the movie continues Gigi also shows signs of how gender norms affect her. She states how a girl can not call a guy after a first date it is the man job to call the women back. This is one of the many gender norms we have instilled in our children at a very young age. We make the males have all the power in the relationship, and if a woman attempts to assert her dominate in a relationship or in Gigi’s case call first they are seen as desperate, controlling and sometimes called derogatory terms such as “bitch.” It is a common occurrence due to gender norms that must be put to an end, it really does not matter who is more dominant based on the …show more content…

It is truly amazing to watch a movie or observe in real life an idea you learned in class be portrayed. It shows myself that these are real issues that we are facing in our growing society today. Additionally, I believe watching “He’s Just Not Into” You is a great portrayal of how many constants there can be put on individuals when it relates to relationships and love, and if you are not following the majority you are wrong. Nevertheless, our society is starting to change, generations are evolving and changing their goals in many areas especially in love. One prime example is millennials and their idea of slowing down relationships and moving in first or staying signal because they have careers to focus on. These are all idea that could not be common nor expected generations ago and do to this, many ideas that caused complications in the movie do not cause individuals difficulties

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