Analysis Of The Movie Chronicle

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The movie, Chronicle, grossed over 123 million dollars worldwide with a budget of only 12 million; that means it not doubled or tripled but multiplied its budget by 1,000 percent. Chronicle is a movie that takes place in a big city with three teenage guys, Andrew, Matt, and Steve, who are from three very different walks of life. In this movie, Andrew is the antagonist and Matt is the protagonist. These three guys then find something extraterrestrial and somehow who superpowers. Andrew gets most of the superpowers and can use them the best; because of this he sees himself as alpha and eventually kills Steve out of anger. In the end Andrew goes crazy and as a result Matt has to kill Andrew to keep the city and civilians safe. Josh Trank uses …show more content…

In the movie, Chronicle, that figure is Matt. Christ- Figures will have some sort of crucifixion, sacrifice, and forgiveness; in addition Christ-figures will have powers and are responsible (Page 124-132). Jesus had great powers and also knew how to use the powers; Jesus was responsible enough to use his powers the right way. Matt was the Christ figure for a number of reasons; the first is his forgiveness towards Andrew. Each time Andrew would screw up or abuse his powers Matt forgave him freely and still loved him. This displays great responsibility to be able to forgive each time over and over again and then to love him again. The crucifixion of Matt was once Andrew killed Steve, Matt’s good friend, and also that Andrew wouldn’t talk to Matt anymore. Matt did the ultimate sacrifice and evidence of great power comes with great responsibility when he killed Andrew in order to save the city and all the civilians around. To kill Andrew is an act of great power because Andrew was always able to protect himself but this time he wasn’t able to. This great power came with great responsibility to be able to kill his only friend left and a loved one. So connect \ the things right here, Jesus’ amazing powers came with a very big responsibility and he handled it very well. In Chronicle, Matt was the Jesus; Matt’s power came with increasing responsibility, as each event would unfold in front of

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