Analysis Of The Hulk From The Avengers 'Age Of Ultron'

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Every individual has at least one insecurity, and some individuals allow those insecurities to affect their opportunities for a better future. Even superheros are handicapped by their inability to be confident in their gifts, yet they face or overcome their insecurities. Hulk from the Avengers: Age of Ultron is an illustration of self awareness because he goes through a transformation where he is taught that he has a purpose and he is loved; this argues that a confident self-image is important to individualization. Bruce Banner represents how humans negatively carry their insecurities as baggage- weighing us down until we no longer motivated in remaining positive. Wanda toys with Bruce's inner insecurities causing him to turn into the Hulk. Luckily, Iron Man had created a Hulkbuster, a plan to take care of an uncontrollable Hulk. In the process of calming Hulk there was serious damage to local buildings, as well as, the citizens. Hulks insecurities stem from his uncontrollable outbursts; He feels he is a danger and embarrassment to society. Hulk is unmotivated to stay with the avengers because he believes he has nothing good to offer to the group aside from danger. Bruce faces a transformation through vulnerability; Black Widow is his gateway to self awareness. Bruce Baner turns green during a fight, and he remains angry even when …show more content…

While Hulk is facing his own fight with the robots, the others face Ultron at a very vulnerable moment. The Hulk approaches him from behind and finishes him off. Unfortunately, Bruce is not his complete self when he transforms into the Hulk. He often forgets what happens while he’s green. In this moment, the Hulk realizes he is necessary. Without him, the Avengers success would be undetermined. In his mind, this causes frustration. Bruce needs a moment of solitude to rethink his feelings about the usefulness of his

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