The Great Bear And Rebirth In Bruce Wayne's Story Arch

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In the future section, The Great Bear and Eight of Vessels (Rebirth) were the cards I found most relevant to Bruce Wayne’s story arch. As I explained, The Great Bear represents a stage where a hero is laid to rest so they can be reborn. The card came up in the future section, and I took this to mean that sometime in the near future, Bruce will find what he needs to make it out of the crypt from the card and improve his personal life. The Eight of Vessels (Rebirth) appeared to also reference this rebirth that Bruce will undergo to be able to move on with his life. Because of this, I found the reading to be a positive one. I assumed that the reference to this future rebirth meant Bruce will be born again as something other than the Batman, and …show more content…

He is told that Bane will allow him to heal and live in the pit, which is essentially a prison, as Bane destroys Gotham, so Bruce can see the extent of his defeat over television. This is Bruce’s lowest point in the story, but he is given a beacon of hope by some of the other inmates in the pit. He learns of a boy that once made the climb out of the pit by making a jump that to every other man has been impossible. This jump gives Bruce a purpose. He recovers from his injury and trains his body to make the jump. News reports of the situation in Gotham motivate Bruce to try to return to Gotham before Bane destroys his city. The jump provides an opportunity to make the metaphorical rebirth my tarot reading had alluded to. According to The Wild Wood Tarot, the Eight of Vessels represents an opportunity for “looking at the past, acknowledging [a hero’s] mistakes and learning from them, [to] grow and attain new wisdom”(137). This is exactly what Bruce does. During the time in the pit he stops doubting himself and improves his physique, so he is both mentally and physically prepared for the jump. When he is ready he makes he leap out of the pit and returns to Gotham to attempt to save his city from the nuclear explosive Bane is threatening to

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