Analysis Of The Emperor's New Clothes By Patricia J. Williams

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In the article “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Patricia J. Williams, she begins by bringing up the point that her kid was said to be color blind in school. After being told by three different teachers, she took her kid to an ophthalmologist who said that his vision was fine. She realized that “he resisted identifying color at all by saying I don 't know when asked what color things were”. She learned that the teachers in school were telling the children that color didn 't matter in order to combat racism that was happening between the youth. She states that “this dismissiveness, however unintentional, leaves those in my son’s position pulled between the clarity of their own experience and the often alienating terms in which they must seek social acceptance”. The author is saying that these teachers are trying to say that they don 't see color in which they don 't see a problem existing. The next main point that is brought up by Williams is that “whiteness is unnamed, suppressed, beyond the realm of race”. She says that “none of the little white children who taught me to see my blackness as a mark probably ever learned to see themselves as white”. What she is saying here is that as a society, a kid who is white never recognizes there color. Being white is not considered anything …show more content…

I think telling them not to talk about it and to be embarrassed by the question is adding to the problem. By explaining to the kid that they are different and that is okay it will help them grow up seeing the differences as nothing more than a physical difference. It is also important to make sure our youth knows that just because the people around us are different, that does not mean they are less capable of doing anything. By teaching our youth this instead of being anxious and hushing aways the questions, we can bridge the gap that we have built between the

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