Analysis Of The Country's Equal Opportunity

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The United States of America, as a country, has always tried to give equal opportunities to everyone. The Country’s Equal Opportunities Policy expresses that no matter who you are, or where you came from, you can have the same rights as everyone. However, the key word here is “tried”, and I mention this because if you actually look deeper into the heart of The United States of America you will perceive a very different perspective. This Policy had some repercussions over many people from different countries, countries that suffer of a very precarious economic situation. These people from those countries I mentioned before would travel over here leaving everything behind in search of the American Dream, but all those people have in fact found …show more content…

For example, many parents travel with their children, parents that in their country where doctors, scientists, engineers, or any other profession, to give their child a better future, thinking that, because they are educated people and have some degree of experience on their field, they can start from where they left of and earn a stable income to support their children education in this land filled with opportunities. However, this is not what really happens. This people are often devalued for what they are, immigrants. I’ve seen many people that have the experience, a diploma, and speak fluently English and not getting hired, and instead, they would hire a less qualified person just because he or she is American. I’ve seen many interviews of Americans that say: “Why is everyone getting mad at Latinos for taking jobs with low income like maids, or store clerks, or janitors from them? Nobody wants to do these jobs and someone got to do them anyway”. When I hear that, as a member of the Latino Community I can’t help myself but to feel offended. While is true we are not Americans, and we often take jobs that fall into that category, we can also do so much more than janitors or maids. We can be doctors, entrepreneurs, scientists, CEOs, or any other top tier job like any …show more content…

Since the beginning of time, women have been treated as inferiors by men. Due the supposedly weak anatomy their body, they have always been seen as weak and fragile, a description that can’t be farther from the true. Women have been proven to withstand a large amount of pain and have a stronger emotional stability. Just like racism, gender deferment has been less with the progression of time but it’s still a factor that is present in the everyday life of modern society. We can see this in the fields of work like science where it is rare to find a women scientist and how the technological world is mostly ruled by powerful male figures. Women have been oppressed since the beginning of time and have fought for their rights bravely and consistently, women went from not even being able to speak their own thoughts unless their husbands said so and being an incubator for male heirs to being inspirations to many people and fighting for what it’s right. We, as a society, have progressed in that way through the ages, even though, some women are still being oppressed daily on various parts of the world, it is something that we must overcome and we will, because this world is a better place with more smart, educated and outgoing

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