Analysis Of Soylent

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Science-fiction novels have imagined thousands societal advancements, with many of which taking form in reality. A recent addition to the ranks of the helicopter and submarine is a substitute for food called Soylent. Soylent is a drink crafted from the base nutrients we require from food, theoretically meaning that someone who drinks Soylent does not need regular food. Creator Rob Rhinehart has stated that he wishes for Soylent to replace most meals, causing increased efficiency for all people, while reforming the food industry. This does not mean Soylent would ever replace meals as a cultural centerpoint, but that it may replace meals that serve no social or cultural purpose.
For this reason, Soylent is exciting; it gives one more time to …show more content…

Soylent’s competitor Huel is Kosher and usable for those with a soy allergy. Ambronite is non-GMO, uses no added sugar, and is organic. As these products become more popular, more companies will begin to open and gain a following by first appealing to a niche consumer group (like those gluten or soy allergies). In the future, our capitalist culture ensures that Soylent will be competed against by several other companies. Yet, it seems bet that one would be unable to find Soylent and similar products in a store, but tailored to he or she personally (as it is impossible to create a universal meal replacement).
Rhinehart claims that 90% of his diet is Soylent, and evidenced in a StackShare article by Soylent cofounder John Coogan, a growing number of consumers are beginning to follow suit. However, Soylent lacks long-term testing, has some dissatisfactory side-effects, and its use as a meal replacement is discouraged by the nutritionist …show more content…

As of now, nutritionists are unconvinced. A poll conducted by MedPage asserts that a most nutritionists do not believe that Soylent (or any meal replacement product) could be fully functional at this point in time; we are simply unaware of everything required to create the perfect nutritional profile for any person. Therefore, Soylent must be refined once nutritionists themselves are outdated. It could be necessary to understand every inner-working of the body and how it relates to nutrient consumption before a product like Soylent could act as a 100% (or even 90%) replacement for traditional

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