Analysis Of Shameless

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Showtime’s television series, Shameless (2011-), written by Paul Abbott is currently on its seventh consecutive season with all previous seasons available on Netflix. Shameless originated from the popular British television series which aired in 2004, with respect to Paul Abbott, merely follows the same story structure readjusted to an American understanding. This anecdotal attempt to continue this thriving series in America, was a huge risk at first but for the most part turned out to be an adequate success. Shameless depicts the story behind a dysfunctional family living in an indigent neighborhood in the outskirts of Chicago. The Gallagher family, who is composed of 6 kids and their heavy alcoholic father Frank, is never around unless …show more content…

Other recognizable shows in this category include Modern Family (2009-), and Weeds (2005-2012). Clearly, all of these television series are very dissimilar, but they all follow the same belief of holding onto family morals through the ups and downs of life. ABC’s Modern Family portrays three families; a gay couple, a multiracial couple and a straight couple. From watching Modern Family, viewers can learn sometimes the most unusual things in life bring the most happiness, and perfection is not always guaranteed. This perfectly relates back to Shameless due to the fact the Gallagher family has very little necessities of life to their name and live off of very minimal money supply. This doesn’t stop the family from appreciating their lives, they had to adapt to their economic stance and make the best of it. Fiona, the oldest, is definitely one to relate to the idea that perfection is not always guaranteed. Because of her difficult position in the family, she is held responsible for the entire family which leads her to not enjoy her young-adult years as much as she should. Through all the chaos each day brings her, Fiona is still able to manage her stress and go to bed every night knowing she is doing her best to give the rest of her siblings a suitable life. Showtime’s series Weeds, illustrates the story of Nancy Botwin, newly widowed after her husband suffers a massive heart attack, and must now sell marijuana to …show more content…

Scott Roxborough’s Backstage article “Paul Abbott Talks About U.K. and U.S. Versions of 'Shameless'” (2011) is an interview with Paul Abbott, the mastermind behind Shameless. Paul discusses his reasoning’s behind the creation of this series exclaiming, “Both parents left us by the time I was 11 and my 16-year-old sister brought us up, me and eight other siblings. With no money. In architectural terms I directly lifted the story of "Shameless" from my life.” Paul is able to portray his own personal misfortunes through the characters he has created. Interestingly enough, many incidents faced by the Gallagher family were actual experiences Paul encountered himself during his childhood. When asked about his attitude towards Showtime’s Shameless, he stated, “I think the Showtime people have made it unmissable. How they've interpreted it. They've made it its own thing. It's a good example of how careful scrutiny can be used to adapt a series.” Paul has been hugely flattered since the release of Shameless on Showtime. He greatly appreciates the ‘Americanized’ twist brought fourth to his show and thinks each character works out perfectly to their European counterpart. Paul advices that individuals from the United Kingdom should give Shameless’ recreation a chance to watch, seeing that is is

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