Analysis Of Sandra Caramelos By Sandra Cisneros

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Back then, in many heritages, sons tend be more important to parents than daughters. Though they may be loved equally, parents tend to show off their sons more than their daughters. They show how strong their sons are or how many sons they have. With their daughters, they tend to not care much of what they do until they become adults because they just expect women to clean the house, cook, and find a husband who has a job and protects the family. In Sandra Cisneros, Caramelo, one of the main themes is how the main character, Celaya, feels left out from her family because of her six brothers and how Mexican mothers baby their sons no matter how old they get. Today, women are more conquering and stronger than before. Women can do anything men can do and should be treated equally. Mothers tend to take care of their sons more than their daughters. It is especially shown in this novel, between the Awful Grandmother and Inocencio. The relationship they have is strong because the Awful Grandmother was abandoned by her parents and when she got pregnant before being married by the Little Gran...

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