Analysis Of Rebecca Skloot's The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks

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Sometimes people cant help but feel entitled to payment when they make a contribution to a money-making prfit, idea or discovery. The issue is that sometimes, those charities are too small and simple to warrant a reward. Rebecca Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks brings up the problem of sharing a incentive, as many members of the Lacks family feel justifiable of a share in the money made from research done on Henrietta’s cancer cells. By writing about the Lacks family and their knowledge with the Hela cells, Skloot’s readers may see eye to eye on the fact that they deserve compensation. Although, when the facts are taken into consideration, it makes sense that the Lacks’ do not receive money for their mothers big contribution to science. A donor is usually needed for scientists to make important assumptions or discoveries through studying donated cells or even tissue. However, the donor is not necessarily deserving of a share of any of the profits that the scientist earns because the persons role in the research is much less signifgant than many belive and the actual r...

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