Power Freedom And Grace Summary

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Power Freedom and Grace is a very profound book that really forcers the reader to look past who they are in a physical and material sense, and look within and discover who they really are. The book discusses the idea of what it means to exist. It also explores the ideas of reality, fear, and the concept of death. Chopra explains the philosophy of Vedanta. Vedanta is the idea that everyone has the ability to achieve happiness, but distractions get in the way. Vedanta says that there are only five reasons that people suffer, and a lot of those feelings stem from fear, vanity, and the unknown. Chopra enforces the idea to readers that everyone is in control of their own destiny, that even something as complex as disease and aging is only physical …show more content…

Self-referred means that a person is aware of themselves and comfortable with who they are, not relying on the approval of others. Object-referred means that a person bases their happiness and their entity on objects. They allow material things to define who they are. Someone who is object-referred is not in tune with their true self and do not know the experience of true happiness. In this book, Chopra talks about the importance of transcending and recognizing different states of consciousness that go beyond just the state of being asleep or being awake. The book explains that people are so much more than just the labels identified by society. Being is a state of being one with the universe and everything in it. Chopra offers key points within each chapter that offer the most valuable lessons to the reader about the practices. The book ends its final chapters guiding readers on how they can achieve the advertised Power, Freedom, and Grace. Chopra encourages people to forget everything they thought they knew, and adopt the philosophy of Vedanta because that is when happiness and self-discovery will be …show more content…

I will admit that my first impression was that it would be a tough read to get through. To my surprise, I was able to flip through the book with ease, and even went back to re-read certain parts for a better understanding. The book was written in a very clear manner. I found it easy to understand and enjoyable to continue reading. I worry sometimes when I venture into a new book that I may have a hard time keeping my focus, but like I said I just physical representations that our soul takes on temporarily. This concept made me feel was pleasantly surprised. I think that Chopra’s ideas are really valuable to the meaning of life. I will say, however, that although I do believe in some of these ideas and the power of meditation, I still find it difficult for me personally to take part in. This book has definitely made me a little more open to the idea of meditation than I was before though. Some of the ideas in the book that I was not completely crazy about was the idea that we are the universe and everyone is one. Chopra really likes to reinforce the idea that our bodies are not who we are, and that our souls really small. Our physical bodies are summed up in the book as “a bag of flesh and bones”. Despite my difference in opinion on life, I still appreciated this philosophy and try to be open minded about the ideas of others. This book offered me some really good perception on life. I actually want to pass this book along to my mother.

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