Analysis Of How It Feels To Be Colored Me

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The Greatest Lesson In Zora Hurston’s essay “How It Feels To Be Colored Me” she separates her life into four sections, using vivid imagery in each, to show her audience different examples of how she overcame prejudice, not by conforming, but by remaining herself. In her first section she sketched out her childhood to show how she was “everybody’s Zora” (Hurston 4). The second section goes on to show how her skins color “fails to register depression” (Hurston 7) with her, she is proud of her history and embraces it actually. In the third section, she sets the scene in a jazz club, and describes the difference in how she feels the music and how a white man just hears it. And in the fourth section, she explains how she is not defined by her race then goes on to compare it to a brown bag. In this essay I will detail each section of Hurston’s essay and explain how each section has its own lesson to teach us and how it all ties in together. …show more content…

Being a child she didn’t feel prejudice or even know what it was, just like most other children. Because of this she didn’t become the product of her race or of the color of her skin, she was herself, she was just “Zora”. This section serves two purposes, one is to teach a lesson and the other is to build up the other three sections. The lesson to be learned is that at our most basic we are pure, without prejudice, and this allows us to be ourselves without any worry of judgment. The other use of this section is to build up Zora’s character and show who she is fundamentally, outgoing and confident, to show she stays the same throughout the other

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