Analysis Of Here's To Your Health By Joan Dunayer

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As follows in the article “Here’s to Your Health” by Joan Dunayer explains how the alcohol industry invests a large amount of money to keep their product from being branded with negative publicity. Dunayer speaks on a particular example of how a teenage boy consumed by peer pressure binges on hard liquor not aware of the consequences until it's too late to fix the effects (Dunayer). Afterward wondering who to blame for the incident beside the group of teenagers, yet it has no remedy because it is a social problem. Within the thought and reflection on the influence that makes people drink is advertisements; furthermore, because they paint an image of success and indeed promote social popularity. Most importantly, these companies carry out …show more content…

The difference between a business and a successful one is they apply their products through good advertisements. However, successful businesses will take a course into manipulation and deception making the consumers interested. Amongst the industries, they use advertisements as a solution because they know their products are harmful. Every products varies when its effects our health in a negative way; they just figure it out creative ways to obscure information from becoming noticed by their loyal customers and approving officials. The way they hide this data from everyone is that they hire an advertising company for their guidance on how legally confuse the customer base from noticing. Well, another key thing they must do is to get resourceful lawyer that can protect them no matter happens in the future with selling their products to customers. Building the link their client base is essential because without popularity, they will not make any sales, and their product would not get any reviews for other customer that might have doubts about picking their product. The big corporation sells off certain product like soda, fast food, and alcohol as well by using a skillful advertising company to build common ground with the general population, to buy their products by exploiting their weaknesses without their knowledge. By having the knowledge of the customers' weaknesses makes the advertising …show more content…

Before this happens, change these schemes used to advertise a thought of the past. A thought on this matter is to suppress their reach on our health, mind and our money. So to stop this issue from accelerating any further, the legal teams protecting these corporations need to feel a sense of opposition. One industry depends on the other industry success for good business deals to happen, nonetheless behind the curtains investors are the same shareholders for multiple industries. For example, the fast food industry adds tons of chemical and plenty of sugar that lead to health problems, which result in people getting permanent medical prescriptions. Finally, after all the abuses from big corporations a solution this issue is turn homeland security in their direction for well-being of

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