Analysis Of Ellen Gallagher's A Ha Oo Campaign

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A common theme of the works of Ellen Gallagher is that of racism and its effects. This can be prominently seen in her A ha o girl oo, which reflects on the method by which white culture was artificially imposed upon the black community (specifically women in this case.) A ha o girl oo effectively demonstrates the racism and imposed culture forced upon back women during the 1950s and beyond through refection on its artificiality. The work A ha o girl oo is presented in the form of a magazine advertisement advertising wigs to give black women “the LENGTH, COLOR and STYLE HAIR” they want, “instantly”. Gallagher has modified this paper in her mutilation of the faces on the figures posing in the wigs. Each of their faces is slightly shifted away from the rest of the body, as if to indicate that it is a removable appendage, and each face has hot pink lip gloss applied. In addition to this, the majority of the “slogan” in the center of the page has been blotted out with black marker, so that the slogan now reads, “A ha O GIRL OO.” …show more content…

The shifted faces on each of the models represents what Gallagher describes as black women’s “prosthetics,” for at this time it was considered socially unacceptable for a black woman to appear in public without a applying dizzying array of products from skin whiteners to wigs, all of the “prosthetics” required for public life. In this instance, the separation of the face show that the face itself as a prosthetic, that in fact all of the artificial prosthetics have made the person themselves a prosthetic, losing themselves in the artificiality of cultural

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