Analysis Of Dre Gambrell's 'What Boys Want'

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What Boys Want This assignment really stuck out to me since I am a boy myself. After reading this article, there were a lot of things that occurred that I can relate to. I was also eager for this assignment because I was curious on what the Author thought. After reading the first few paragraphs, I was really amazed in the example that the author was talking about. The situation was almost identical to how I was as a young teenager in high school. When the author mentioned Dre Gambrell, I said to myself he sounds exactly like me. I was a football starting tackle in high school who people did not really think of me as the sentimental type. However, deep down I really was. I never went as far as making a collage of a girl that I had interest …show more content…

After reading this, I have asked girls in the past to seen me certain pictures as a test to see if they trust me or not. I have never used a girl’s picture against them though in any situation, I feel that is a terrible thing to do. I think some boys ask for pictures as a test to see if the girl has real feelings for them before they make themselves vulnerable with that particular girl. Relationships are really scary these days because most people are really skeptical about putting there all into relationships because they are making themselves vulnerable to get hurt. Nobody wants to be hurt, so I feel that most people put an emotional guard up to protect …show more content…

My answer to that question is loved. I think boys just want to be loved by the people they associate themselves with on a regular basis. Especially when it comes to their significant other. I look at my older cousin’s relationship and I always pray for something like his. He and his wife are like best friends. Yes, they sometime have problems, but that’s with any relationship. Life will always bring you some type of adversity for you persevere through. I just look at as God transforming his Boys into great young men in his kingdom. If we take the focus off of what boys want, God will show them everything they

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