Analysis Of David Hemenway's Responsible Reasoning

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Kristof is sarcastically and quietly confident in his belief that America is the second most armed country in the World, with the first being terrorism-plagued Yemen in the midst of a “minor civil war”. In this anti-weaponry advisory, readers are informed of gun fatality statistics, the self-imposed dangers of owning a firearm and stand witness to Kristof’s somewhat comical discrediting of many exaggerated pro-gun claims. He recruits academic authority, Harvard professor and author David Hemenway, regarding his perspective of the prevalence and effects of the soaring numbers of gun ownerships in society vs popular opinion regarding personal safety afforded by said ownerships. Kristof neatly concludes his argument with a one handed clap to Congress’ …show more content…

Upon reading and analyzing Kristof’s arguments and conclusions on this issue, the reader can come to respect his perspective as he satisfies the first quality of a responsible reasoner. The first of four criteria “Responsible Reasoning is Well Informed” is outlined as stating; “To argue responsibly, a person must support his or her opinions with reliable and current evidence.” (Crusius and Channell 9). Through the use of authority via the voice of David Hemenway, author and Harvard professor, Kristof presents the reader with Hemenway’s stance that, “the gun debate [is] a public health challenge, [making] clear that a gun in the home makes you much more likely to be …show more content…

As detailed by Crusius and Channell;
“Part of being well-informed means knowing something about the history of an argument. An argument’s history tells us how and why people’s viewpoints formed and gives us a context for our own views. Knowing context means knowing the current range of opinion on an issue. We have to know what other people are saying to make our own reasoning relevant.” (10)
Being “an Oregon farm boy who was given a .22 rifle for my 12th birthday” (Kristof), it’s safe to say that Kristof is acquainted with guns and in having this first-hand knowledge, has developed a valid mechanical perspective on the subject. He gathers information from authorities as well as International procedures in the realm of gun control to form a well-rounded opinion. His intertwining of others’ viewpoints displays an attempt to rationalize his own opinion and assimilate into the cultural context of this sensitive social discussion. Directly referring to Tucson (the most recent mass shooting at that time), he validates himself in the currency of the issue. His arguments are not fanatical or grandiose, aggressive or offensive, but subtle and confident, inviting, open for discussion and within the realm and climate of this unfortunate public

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