A Rhetorical Analysis Of Shootings, By Adam Gopnik

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Adam Gopnik’s article “shootings” (2007), in the beginning explained the children that have been shot, and their cellphones have been ringing, getting calls from their worried families. With the author starting off like this, it made readers want to continue reading to know how the shooting happened, the author hooked the readers in. He talked about various gun laws and gun control later on and the misuse of gun violence. The author's point of view is that gun violence is addressed more seriously in other countries with the same situation. He is trying to persuade the reader with his style of writing, providing the reader with information about the shooting in Virginia Tech. The writer is concerned about the issue and he is informing us that Americans do not regard gun control as a serious matter as other countries do. He argues about how a dangerous weapon like a gun is if it comes in the wrong hands. Without any further restrictions, guns are available for mostly everyone who wants to have it, guns are dangerous and no one needs to have a possession of it. This is a persuasive essay …show more content…

Not one specific person is telling the story it is told from many different perspectives. This piece of writing informs or persuades its audience to stop the use of guns. In this essay, the author states and pushes upon the wrongness of gun use and how it should be stopped. the author explains that the Virgina governors and all-American law makers, rather ignore the cause of this violence and further move on from it. Within his examples of other shootings, Gopnik makes it very clear that restrictive gun controls have stopped the number of mass murder killings and/or violence within the country. Lastly, he repeatedly explains the consequences about the point of law making, and he is precise when he states that law making should be about

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