Analysis Of Craig Santos Perez's Poem Halloween In The Anthropocene

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“Halloween in the Anthropocene, 2015” Analysis Essay As civilization advances, most of the people in society are uplifted by the development made. In a thousand years, we went from an agricultural society to an industrial one, and we are rapidly entering the digital age. But inevitably, there are people whom civilization has abandoned and exploited in order to advance this far. In his poem, “Halloween in the Anthropocene, 2015”, Craig Santos Perez dispels the preconceptions we hold about our society and reveals the horrors that we have either suppressed or neglected. He uses the Halloween scene to reveal how we have taken the atrocities that mankind has afflicted and relinquished. Through figurative language, imagery, and repetition, Perez …show more content…

For instance, in the text, it states “Let us praise the souls of Asian children whom manufacture toys and tech until gravity sharpens their bodies enough to cut through suicide nets.” In other words, Perez is saying that the working conditions are so severe that the employees,including adults and children, try to commit suicide to escape their miserable lives. The purpose of the nets is to prevent death, which can be totally avoided just by changing the type of working environment these people work in. The endless greed of humans yearning for new, improving technology is represented through the torture that these civilians face, mentally and physically, every single day of their miserable lives. We go on with our lives with reckless and negligent behavior without a thought of how our actions are and will affects those all around the world. Another example is “Let us praise El Nino, his growing pains, praise his mother, Ocean, who is dying in a warming bath among dead fish and refugee children. El Nino, a weather phenomenon is getting larger and more concerning while global warming is causing organisms to die due to the temperature changes. As the water level rises, islands are becoming flooded leaving refugees stranded in the ocean. All of these disastrous changes are due to the demand of advancement in civilization which includes the releasing of chemicals in the air …show more content…

For instance, Perez uses diminishing repetition, such as the Halloween rhyme “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.” Each time the rhyme is repeated, it becomes shorter and shorter to represent how our greed and nonstop need for improvement take away our moralities that we had built up throughout our lives bit by bit. As they fade, our lust will thrive with no limitations or boundaries held by the grasp of righteousness. He repeats the phrase “Praise the souls” in order to thank those who have suffered and died for greed and improvements. However, he is using a sarcastic tone because people in society have lost their moralities and take everything for granted. Without a second thought, we have cast aside the misery of others while untroubled by our actions. Another phrase that is repeated is “pray for us”. This is coming from all who have been sacrificed, including the mothers of asthma, cancer, miscarriage, lost habitats, fallout, and extinction. They are begging for someone to make a difference and help them. Nonetheless, they have all gone by unnoticed because society has lost their ethics due to greed and desire for advancement, so it will become infinite unless someone makes a

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