Analysis Of Continuing My Parents Divorce

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How I learned to Succeed Though My Parents’ Divorce When I was only nine years old I sat on my mother’s lap and heard the news that would impact my life indefinitely. When I learned that my parents were getting divorced, I never expected there to be any positive effects. However, in dealing with this drastic change in my life, I became a stronger person in numerous ways. Carrying my new maturity, new self-sufficiency, and new resilience on the weight of my shoulders these past 9 years have proven to me that I will succeed in life. Undergoing my parents’ divorce has heightened my level of maturity. I’ve learned life skills that allowed me to improve my self-sufficiency. Furthermore, going through this tough period of time has made me far more resilient in the face of hardships. My new level of maturity sparked within me from the very beginning. Being the oldest of my siblings, I played a very significant role in their lives. Influencing their lives by being a positive role model was a crucial factor through the divorce. While my parents were out working, I became a parent figure in my siblings lives by cooking them dinner and by driving them to the places they needed to go. I’ve …show more content…

Straight after the divorce, my mother had moved us to my grandparents’ house for 3 years, which allowed my mother to save money for her own house. Living in two separate houses while adapting to living in each home so periodically was a struggle. It was a burden getting used to the community that each parent had lived in. My father never stayed in one place for too long; as a result, my father, siblings, and I lived in 8 different homes the past 9 years. Despite the annoyances that had come along with living in two separate homes at once, I learned quickly how to adapt to new changes. Because of the experiences I’ve struggled with, I now take my resilience with pride in all situations

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