Analysis Of Candice Millard's Destiny Of The Republic

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How innovation made a difference in old America Was the use of innovation beneficial or detrimental for the citizens ? In Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard, the former president of the United States, James Garfield, gets shot in the back by a man named Charles J. Guiteau. Guiteau feels no remorse, and is even proud that he was able to shoot such a man like the president. The bullet got lost in Garfield's back and many men tried to find it but were unsuccessful. Garfield lay injured in the White house many months while many doctors and inventors tried the latest innovations in hope of saving Garfield's life. Although there were some people who were open to innovation, many refused to test various kinds of innovation on Garfield. In addition, distrust, and competition hindered the …show more content…

When Garfield was lying in bed, damaged from the bullet that was inside him, many townspeople shared their ideas in hope of saving the president. While Garfield’s doctor, Bliss, was working on Garfield “every crank in the country seemed to think himself called aponto offer to cure the man sent the doctor's plans for a suction device that would suck the bullet right out of Garfield” (Millard, 227). Many people tried desperately to create their own innovations to try and save the life of the president. They worked hard and invented as many innovations as they could but none of them were successful. They demonstrated faith in the evolution of innovations yet unfortunately none were able to cure the president. Although the majority of citizens were pro innovation, the elite class were opposing the new ideas that were proposed. The main people that opposed it were the prosperous and wealthy people such as doctors because they saw innovation as evil and the enemy.(quote) Many powerful individuals thought that trying untested medicines and treatments on the president was

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