Analysis Of The Assassination Of James Garfield's Final Address

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Kevin Moriarty 9th Grade Literature Mr.Cheney 11 December 2017 The Official Final Draft on the Analysis of the Assassination of James Garfield James Garfield is one of the lesser known presidents of the 45 that have successfully been inaugurated. Yet, he is significant along with three presidents: Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. They were all assassinated while in office. This list doesn’t include Theodore Roosevelt because he survived the attempted assassination and was out of office by then. James Garfield was assassinated by Charles Guiteau, but the bullet didn’t kill him. The lack of medical support given to Garfield after the accident is what led to his death on September 19th, 1881, in Elberon NJ, …show more content…

Anyone can walk into a train station with a gun hidden and just fire at will. With the 2nd amendment in place, people can buy and own guns. Throughout the years, guns have caused more tragedies than miracles. SInce the constitution which was ratified in 1787, we live in a democracy. Many things which would not be allowed in other countries are seen in the U.S. Even back as far as the 1800s, these events can still occur. Based on this information, it’s a miracle that all but 4 of the presidents survived their terms. Before the president had protection in case of an attack, all it took was a man and a gun. Take Charles Guiteau for example, he got his hands on a gun even though he had a mental disorder. The process of the assassination of James Garfield wasn’t even a tough process, Anybody could’ve walked into that train station with a gun that had somewhat of a good aim and shot Garfield, the most powerful man in the …show more content…

A murder which easily occured and left a footprint in history that many historians and essay writers will enjoy to read about, because the factors leading up to it are so interesting and unique, that it cannot be compared to another assassination. Somehow these 2 men involved both had difficult childhoods which set them on pathways which changed their lives forever. Many are unaware of James Garfield himself and how he was the first left handed president. Being one of four presidents assassinated in office, he had the second shortest term of power behind William Henry Harrison, whose term went from March 4th- April 4th 1841 after dying from pneumonia. James Garfield led many of his time in office and will always be remembered as the 20th president in United States

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