Analysis Of Calypso By Suzanne Vega

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In “Calypso” by Suzanne Vega, Calypso is described as described as selfish, deceptive, and lonely. Vega characterizes Calypso as selfish. “And though he pulled away—I kept him here for years—I let him go” Odysseus pulled away from her over the years on the island, but that now she is going to let him go. As Vega continues labels Calypso as deceptive. “But he’ll know their ways now—I will stand upon the shore –with a clean heart” Calypso is saying Odysseus will be wiser for having known Calypso and that Calypso was lying about having a clean heart. Finally, she illustrates in our mind that Calypso is lonely. “And the sky will burn—it’s a lonely time ahead—I don’t ask him to return—I let him go—I let him go” Calypso starts being lonely again

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