Analysis Of Against School By John Taylor Gattos

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The average human would think that going to school and getting an education are the two key items needed to make it in life. Another common belief is, the higher someone goes with their education, the more successful they ought to be. Some may even question if school really makes anyone smarter or not. In order to analyze it, there needs to be recognition of ethos, which is the writer 's appeal to their own credibility, followed by pathos that appeals to the writer’s mind and emotions, and lastly, logos that is a writer’s appeal to logical reasoning. While using the three appeals, I will be analyzing “Against School” an essay written by John Taylor Gatto that gives a glimpse of what modern day schooling is like, and if it actually help kids …show more content…

With the experience he has as a former teacher, Gatto knows exactly how the school system works better than the average human. He understands how the students feel about school, alongside with the teachers. Gatto used the logos appeal pretty well throughout the essay because of his experience as a teacher, he was able to provide logical reasonings that made sense and went along with what he was talking …show more content…

Although Gatto does use a significant amount of facts throughout the essay, they do not come from any credible source nor are they cited from one. An example of a given fact but not cited is, “ George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln? Someone taught them, to be sure, but they were not products of a school system, and not one of them was ever “graduated” from a secondary school.” (Gatto 273). Gatto is using a fact that is highly informative. However, since it is not cited from any type of credible source, the audience might not count it as a valid piece of information or take it into consideration. To give the essay even better credibility, Gatto should cite all factual information he

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