Personal Growth through English Courses

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Writing has always been a way to express, an elaborate the world of creativity. By taking these English courses, I have accomplished a variety goal that has made me grow as a person, but there are still many areas in writing that I still need to focus on. Now having a stable base in English I can further improve in the areas I do not excel at by taking English 1302. By realizing that the skills I will acquire in this English course, it would benefits fit me later in my life. As a student, there are many strategies I have received that have helped me become a better reader and writer. While taking Writing Composition 1, I leaned many new tricks as a reader that helped me understand a better way to write. One way was by taking notes after every …show more content…

This poem was interesting to me because of how generic the title was. After doing a little research on which Adrienne Rich was, I found that she was an influential poet and a feminist. From finding that out it opened a new point of view in the eyes of what she felt about women treated in society. After reading this poem I have a strong feeling that Adrienne Rich is talking more about society of women then actually her sisters. Rich talks about her first sister saying she is a transparent lady and all her nerves are visible. This shows how she is not afraid to show her. She then explains the second sister, who has a seam over her heart, and it will never heal I believe this has something to do with someone breakup with her. I believe this because a heart can only be broken when someone who his loved is not anymore. Finally, the third sister is being by her stocking are being torn, but is still beautiful. This shows that the woman is healing through her broken heart. Since Adrienne Rich was a feminist, it would be more effective to have an audience of people she can explain to that no one can bring down a woman forever and that they will always come back strong. I feel like this poem symbolizes how a man can hurt a women in society in the eyes of

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