Metaphoric Love in the Shadow of Cancer

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Hazel Grace Lancaster was a shy and depressed girl who knows she’s going to die soon, she met, Augustus Waters, (Gus) a smooth talking boy who knows what he wants. Gus changed Hazel’s whole life by just meeting at a cancer meeting. After the meeting they were outside and he asked her out to go see a movie, and right after that he pulls out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. Hazel asked why are you doing that! That is Disgusting! Gus says to her it’s a metaphor. Hazel says, A Metaphor? Yep, you see you put the thing that does the killing between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do the killing. So there for it’s a metaphor. With Augustus’s smooth moves and Hazel charmingness, they slowly fall in love with each other. Hazel gets …show more content…

That is why Gus’s driving skills put Hazel in a risk. He’s all over the road. Hazel reacts to carrying an oxygen tanks around all the time, by not being able to walk up and own that many steps unless she tries, but it doesn’t kill her. Augustus since he lost his leg knee down he can’t drive great and has a limp in his walk. Hazel’s oxygen tank is visible to the naked eye. Gus’s robotic leg as he likes to call it is not visible unless he wears shorts. On the contrary they both have lost something to cancer. Hazel lost her freedom to go up and down …show more content…

Van Houten, I’m a good person but a bad writer. You’re a bad person,but a good writer. I think we’d make a good team. I don’t want to ask you for any favors,but, if you have the time(and from what I saw you have plenty please fix this for me. It’s a eulogy for Hazel. She asked me to write one but I’m trying,I-Ijust… I could use a little flair. See, the thing is, weall want to be remembered. But Hazel is different. Hazel knows the truth. She did ‘nt want a milllion admirers all she wanted was one.Maybe she wasn’t loved widely,but she was loved deeply. And isn’t that more than most of us get? When Hazel was sick, I knew I was dying, but I did not want to say so.She was in the ICU when Isnck in for 10 minutes before I got caught. Her eyes were closed, her skin pale, but her hands were still her hands.Stilll warm and her nails were painted a dark black-blue color and I just held them.And I willed myself to imagine a world without us,and what a worthless world that would be.What else ? She is so beautiful.You don’t get tried of looking at her.You never think she’s smarter than you because you know she is.She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten.You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you.I like my choices.I hope she likes hers. Okay Hazel Grace?” Hazel says

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