An Unorthodox Method Of Teaching In Dead Poets Society

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When watching the movie Dead Poets Society, one can analyze it and see different concepts of teaching. The school is known for its old traditions and high standards but a new English professor by the name of John Keating uses an unorthodox method of teaching. The movie sets place in 1958 at an all-boys preparatory school where most of the boys there are put under much pressure from their parents to exceed in everything. As the movie progresses it shows us small clips from different classrooms and how the professors are teaching. By analyzing this we can see something in common. The teaching methods the of the school's traditional professors are very similar to the banking concept that Paulo Freire wrote about in “ The Banking Concepts of …show more content…

Professor Keating teaches in a way that Paulo Freire calls the Problem Posing Method. In the Problem Posing Method, Paulo explains it in a way where “ the teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students, who in turn while being taught also teach” (249). We can see evidence of the Problem Posing Method when he tells his students to open their textbook to the chapter about understanding poetry. After he had them read it he then tells his class to rip out that whole chapter. The reasons professor Keating does this is because that chapter goes against the way he teaches. Professor Keating does not want his students to have an author tell them how to think. That chapter follows the Banking Concept and not Problem Posing. Keating tells his student “ You will learn to think for yourselves again”. The way he gets the students to think for themselves is by having a two-way conversation with them. The problem in the Banking Concept is that the teacher presents their ideas to the students and all the students can do is listen to it and not think of their …show more content…

Nolan, who is considered a Banking Concept teacher, and Professor Keating, as we know of as a Problem Posing teacher, get into an argument about their different styles of teaching. Mr. Nolan is starting to question Keating’s unorthodox way of teaching and is upset that he was teaching the boys the dangers of conformity. Keating tells Mr. Nolan “ I thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself”. Because of Mr. Nolan’s traditional methods of teaching, he is against those boys thinking freely. In Paulo essay, he contrasts the two different ways of teaching by saying “Banking education resists dialogue; problem-posing education regards dialogue as indispensable to the act of cognition which unveils reality” (252). While Mr. Nolan does not care or want to hear from his students in the class, Professor Keating encourages discussion and challenges his students to think on a deeper level because he wants to hear back from

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