An Overpaid Tool

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Crude. Raunchy. Profane. Yet, undeniably- maybe you shouldn’t laugh in front of your girlfriend- funny. The opening titles tell us that it’s produced by “Ass Hats,” directed by “An Overpaid Tool,” stars a “British Villain,” a “Sexy Chick,” and has a close-up of Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool’s) crotch. Reynolds plays the sarcastic, former Special Forces soldier and ridonculously over the top, potty-mouthed avenger/antihero, Deadpool. Ridoncuolous, yes that is a word, just ask Mr. Pool. Deadpool, formerly known as Wade Wilson, undergoes a rogue, experimental treatment in an attempt to cure his terminal cancer. The gloomy experiment leaves him with accelerated regenerative powers and a serious case of full body psoriasis, (AKA, your girlfriend won’t love you anymore skin condition). …show more content…

Typical. After a series of head-tilting sex scenes, he proposes marriage in superb fashion with a ring pop. And as with every great love story, Wilson has to ruin it all by being completely oblivious to his terminal illness. Thus, ensues the gloomy- rogue-experimental cancer treatment by the “British villain,” Ajax, (Ed Skrien). The mutated Wilson who dubs himself Deadpool says “I didn’t just get the cure to el cancer, I got the cure to el everything.” He begins his quest for revenge on the people who did this to him and took away his only opportunity at a happy life with

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