Deadpool Essay

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Originally Deadpool was a supervillain created by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza for a comic called ‘The new mutants’. He started as supervillain but as he kept appearing in comics he became known for his antiheroic persona and his humorous tendency to brake the fourth wall. He has the superhuman ability of healing powers and strength. In 2016 Deadpool was brought to life in the characters own film which was directed by Tim Miller and was written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. It stars A-list actor Ryan Reynolds who plays Deadpool, the film was rated a 15 due to its violent content but has still become the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time.

In the opening scene of ‘Deadpool’, the use of non-diegetic sound, for example the melodic country music is intentionally unfitting and is coupled with a still image of the all the characters in a pan shot. The music which is used for the scene is not appropriate because it’s melodic, which has connotations of; pleasantness, contentment and light-heartedness, so doesn’t conform to the chaos and destruction shown. This choice of music allows the …show more content…

Therefore this choice sets Deadpool apart from other superhero films as it leaves the plot up for debate because Todorovs theory is a common choice for superhero film directors. Starting with such a chaotic and graphic scene appeals to the audience because it’s thrilling and helps them enjoy the film more, which allows the viewers to escape because it’s not common to have fight scenes with guns in public places in reality. This follows the Bulmer and kataz theory of the viewers watching films to escape their everyday lives or as a topic of

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