An Indian Father's Plea Sparknotes

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While some may not see, are well informed or closely effected by what Native Americans have gone through for centuries it is not as if the problem has gone away, it is still occurring, just not broadcasted or talked about in the news. Most people are aware or knowledgeable of what has occurred when it comes to Native Americans in general but not so much on what some still go through or how hard it may have been on them through the decades. For some Native Americans it has been difficult adjusting to the changes around them when it came to having to continually move along with when it came to associating with settlers or people outside their tribe, which would be straining on their culture. In An Indian Father’s Plea, Robert Lake suggests that …show more content…

He questions on “How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? (Seattle).” Chief Seattle uses a hyperbole because he does not necessarily mean it, but gives the idea on how can someone take something that is not theirs to take, or possible of taking, he explains that what the 18t century settlers are unaware of taking into consideration. That they do not understand how absurd this sounds to them. Chief Seattle wants to understand how settlers cannot take into consideration how this land is more to them than just land it is something sacred to them. Chief Seattle compares the air to the land in how it is not there for their taking. Furthermore, he is trying to compare what they want to do with his land to how it may seem or look with buying and selling other things. Both Chief Tecumseh and Chief Seattle describe their land and what it means to their culture spiritually and physically in a way to make people think. Chief Tecumseh tries to explain and evaluates the effect of settlers asking different tribes and natives and what it would do, along with how much harm it would cause. He tries to explain to the settlers the absurdity of what they are requesting. In the words of Chief Tecumseh “Sell a country?! Why not sell the air, the great sea as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for us, his

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