Native American Culture : Native Americans

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Native American Culture Have You ever thought about the people who inhabited this land before it was stolen from them? Do you know who they were besides the false name they are given, the things they’ve accomplished and how they have helped us today? in this paper you will learn about the life and hardship the original Americans have endured for over 300 years. Native American way of life Many Native Americans lived like we do, providing food,clothes and homes for their families. Although similar they lived a lot different than we do. For example many Native Americans made clothes from animal skins and furs. Buffalo skin and rabbit fur were especially popular. They also used bird feathers to decorate their heads. Natives of the tropical regions only wore simple skirts. Some tribes wore no clothes at all. Another example is that the Natives built many different types of homes because they lived in different climates and didn’t have the same building materials. Some groups built large houses with many rooms where many families could stay together, others had small dwellings in which only very few people lived. The inuit of canada built snow houses during the winter and in summer, they lived in tents made of animal hides. In some parts of America, Natives built wigwams that were covered with leaves. Also some tribes built houses into the earth that they covered with leaves and grass. Natives of the great plains built tepees made of buffalo skin. The Pueblo Natives of the south-western part of America used sun-dried bricks to make houses. As we are used to ... ... middle of paper ... ... for a few days. they are supposed to discover their own purpose in life at this time. The Native Americans believed that when the child learns their purpose, their life will be led with meaning and satisfaction. The child will be an adult who makes a lusting contribution to the world. The quest to live a purposeful life which many adults seek to do comes directly from this practice. Both the individual and society will benefit from someone who contributes to the world through doing something that they love. Conclusion This information proves that the indigenous peoples of America weren 't savage and uneducated beings but wise and civilized in their own way. Also loving and caring people who tried to live life the right and meaningful way.

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