An Analysis Of The Dialogue In Cathedral's Cathedral

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The dialogue in Cathedral plays a major role in how the story is told and portrayed. Throughout Cathedral, the dialogue gives the reader an insight on what the speaker is thinking, and it shows each person’s feelings for each other. It also tells the reader what the characters mood is, and what is going on in their mind. In Cathedral, there are a total of three characters in; the blind man, the husband, and the wife. The husband is also the story’s narrator, so this story is set from his point of view. Since it is in his point of view, it is hard to understand how the other two characters feel internally. I believe that dialogue is more than just spoken words between two people, but that it also can be a person’s thoughts and emotions. The …show more content…

All of the internal thoughts are from the husband, because he is also the narrator. Inside, the husband is pretty biased of the blind man, yet he is more against the blind man staying with them rather than being for it. The husband never thinks about why he does not feel comfortable having the blind man over, but by the way the wife is happy and smiling, I realized the husbands main reason was because of his own jealousy. During the whole story, the wife talks more to the blind man than she does her husband, and also shows more interest in the blind man. This makes me believe that internally the husband is jealous about all of the attention the blind man is getting from his wife. Later on through the story, especially at the end, the husband’s thoughts of the blind man completely change for the better about the blind man. He starts to see and feel like the blind man, and his whole prejudging and beliefs about the blind man and blind people in general completely shifts. When he draws the cathedral and feels the paper with his eyes closed, he understands what the blind man feels and how he sees the world in his mind. Being able to see what the blind man sees changes the husband’s mood completely. He being to realize that the blind man is much wiser than him, and that he is not just a threat to the husband’s marriage, but actually is just a good friend. When the husband and the blind man are alone and with their own …show more content…

It had many points that were very interesting and vivid to my mind as a reader. The way the story is written causes it to have an amazing flow when it is being read. At the end while reading about the husband drawing the cathedral and feeling the paper with him eyes closed, was written so well that I thought I was actually there feeling that same paper. So I understand what was being felt and what the thoughts and emotions were that the husband was

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