An Analysis Of Edwidge Danticat's Not Your Homeland

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Edwidge Danticat wrote an essay named “Not Your Homeland” and the main point was to make people aware of the conditions in detention centers and change them. There were several descriptions of people’s lives in detention centers. One can visualize how dehumanizing the detention centers were from the descriptions. This essay was effective because the conditions provoke change, the author wrote from experience, and facts provided cannot be disproven. There are various immigrants that come from different countries every year that want to provide a better life for themselves and their families. When immigrants initially arrive to the United States they are not citizens. Those who are not citizens cannot change how they are being treated because they have no rights. When immigrants are treated unfair often times they go back to their native country. The author is trying to seek the attention of those who stayed in the country long enough to become a naturalized citizen and be able to vote. The author writes this essay to appeal to those who want to change how immigrants are treated. …show more content…

Those who came to this country either when they were young or when they were older can somewhat relate to this writer’s story. For those who do not know what it is like to immigrate to another country can visualize the horrible conditions people had to live through. There was a man who wanted the world to know detainees were sometimes beaten, there was an incident when guards broke his friends back and he was deported before he could receive medical attention (Danticat 600). Detainees were forced to sleep with six people in a room with cold temperatures with some in beds, couches, and the floor (Danticat 600). The author wants her readers to visualize conditions in detention centers to persuade people to make a

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