Prison Reform Essay

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Imagine being locked in a windowless, lifeless environment for 23 hours a day. For some criminals, this environment is to be endured for years. The issue of prison reform has been a popular and difficult topic in the news the past few years and continues a year after this article was published. In the New York Times article “New York Rethinks Solitary Confinement” The Editorial Board argues that prison reform in the category of isolation is not only necessary but also beneficial in rehabilitating those who have commit crimes. With the Editorial Boards use of statistics, avoidance of the words “criminal” or “prisoner” and pathos appeal by informing how particularly weak minorities are affected. The articles focus of prison reformation in regards …show more content…

The author refers to this set of people as “the most vulnerable group of inmates.” With such a low percentage of inmates with excessive amounts of solitary confinement, these groups narrow the percentage of criminals placed in this situation even further. The article mentions that an individual placed in solitary are seven times more likely to harm themselves, the highest of rate was from those who are mentally ill or under the age of 18 (The Editorial Board). Now these criminals have not only made poor choices and positioned themselves in solitude, but also now decide to harm themselves. With a superficial view, it would be easy for a reader to find sympathy for those in solitary confinement when in reality all persons that are a part of these numbers have committed a …show more content…

It is just as difficult to prevent those who commit misdeeds in prison as it is to prevent that person from committing the crime, this is why tougher punishment is of high importance. Focusing on reform will not deter an inmate from misbehaving within or outside of prison. A unpleasant punishment however, will turn away a criminal from his misbehaviors while incarcerated and with the enduring impression of prison life outside of the cell walls. Although this article fails to address those circumstances that an inmate will need solitary confinement, it does prevail in bringing light to those few who are mistreated in prison facilities. The article those who are mistreated on the other hand are sparse and should be treated differently from those who are stable and

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