An Abundance Of Katherines Analysis

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An Abundance of Katherines was written by John Green and published by Dutton Books in 2006. It is a 225, realistic fiction novel. This enthralling novel is about a washed up prodigy seeking to figure out the Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability. When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton, the protagonist of the story, is into girls with the name “Katherine.” And when it comes to dating a Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Ironically, the day that Colin graduated high school, Katherine XIX had dumped him. Colin was beyond upset. Katherine XIX was the only Katherine he had truly ever loved out of the other eighteen he had dated in the past. Just as any other dumpee, (the person being dumped), Colin spends his days locked in his room, doing nothing, but think of Katherine XIX. One day, Colin’s best friend, Hassan, comes over to visit him since he last saw Colin on graduation day. He sees that Colin is depressed and Hassan does not like the idea that his best friend thinks his life is over just because of a break-up. While trying to cheer Colin up, Hassan says that there is one simple solution to solve his sorrow. But before Hassan could say anything, Colin interjected “What about a road trip?” Hassan found it to be a great idea, but his parents were not liking the idea. His parents had tried to talk him out of him by saying that if he wanted to become smarter, he needed to stay home. Colin still didn’t budge and before he knew, he was already packing his stuff and heading to Hassan’s car. Hassan too, needed to inform his parents about the road trip. Hassan was afraid that if he tried to persuade his parents to let him go, they would still not allow. Colin insisted that he just lie to them and say that he was g... ... middle of paper ... ...en added to the book to make the book more interesting. It made me want to keep reading and know what happens in the end. Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to others because you can actually relate to how Colin felt throughout the book. The quote by John Green, “What's the point in being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? How very odd, to believe God gave you life, and yet not think that life asks more of you than watching TV” is one of the quotes that stuck to me. I feel like we all can relate to this quote. Everyone wants to matter and feel appreciated in this world. Who wouldn’t? This quote inspires me to be the best person I can be and to succeed in life which is something we all want to do. To put it briefly, if you’re the type of person that is into books that you just can’t guess the ending to, this is the book for you!

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