American Romantic Movement

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Romanticism is the style of writing that the author uses to express each poem and the elements that are involved within such as nature, emotion, individualism, nationalism, idealism, and imagination. What makes a poem romantic is “The ideas around art as inspiration, the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of nature, and metaphors or organics” (Spanckeren 2). Poets that are associated with romanticism are Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, and Emily Dickinson. Whitman’s poem is “When I heard the learn’d astronomer”. Poe’s poem is “Annabel Lee”. Dickinson poem is “The Soul Selects Her Own Society”. The American Romantic Movement is fully represented by Dickinson, Poe, and Whitman.
Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, “Annabel Lee” stresses many descriptions of idealism because he uses it to explain what is going on and the mindset. A quote to explain this is “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men-that is genius” (Emerson 1). A quote from the poem would be “But our love it was stronger by far than the love/Of those who were older th...

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