American Revolution Dbq

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The British had control of America. The colonists living there did not have very much freedom at all. Now the British were tightening their hold on the colonists like a snake coiling a mouse it just caught. The British were tightening down their hold by taxing the colonists and the British were also heavily in debt so they thought that the colonists could help get them out of debt after the eight year war they just recently had. In this Paper I will talk about one of the men that stood up against the British. His name was George Washington. I will also talk about the war that was started in response of the colonists standing up for their freedom called the American Revolutionary war. I will talk about the acts that led up to the American Revolutionary war such as Tea …show more content…

( Staff, “American Revolution History”). The Stamp act enforced a tax on all legal documents and printed goods. It was enforced in 1765. It included a tax on newspapers, pamphlets, etc. The tea act was when the British decided to raise taxes on Tea. It was enforced in 1773. The taxes resulted in The Boston Tea Party when a group of colonists boarded three ships and threw 342 crates of tea overboard. As a result of the raised taxes there was many protests. One was known as the Boston Tea Party. During the protests a group of colonists were shot and killed by the British known as the Boston massacre. When the colonists wanted to be free from British rule it made it harder for the British to rule the land. It was then that the colonists wanted freedom, but the British still wanted to control America for its rich and abundant natural resources. There rose a man named George Washington. He became the leader to lead an army for America’s freedom. First we will go back in time. George Washington was born February 22, 1732

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