American Revolution Dbq

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The last few years leading up to the American Revolution was a riotous period noted by vocal and physical grievances. There were a multitude of causes of the war. Like most military conflicts; the Revolution was spurred by complex social, political, and economic factors. Politically, it was caused by the lack of the American people’s voice in the British parliament. Socially, it was caused by the unique disposition of the American Colonists and their society in contrast to their relationship with the English Government. Economically, it was causes by the British government imposing increasing levels of taxes on the colonist to get out of debt. I have discovered a substantial amount of information and documentation that support my claims. …show more content…

“The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies” (Congress, July 4, 1776) is an archive I will use to support the political causes of the war in my argument. The multiple signers of the document unanimously believed, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” The document goes on to explain how the King George was unfit and says, “The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” The King had given up on the colonist government, disestablished the most valuable laws, and taken away the Americans government. The British parliament had all the power to legislate for the colonist. Even after petitions to the King, the government only extended their jurisdiction over the colonist. Political disputes were part of the original conflict between the people of the colonies and the British government. The British government wanted to change the way the colonies were …show more content…

Liberty, republicanism, and independence were powerful social causes. The patriots tenaciously asserted American rights and brought the Revolution. The route to the American Revolution was based on the unique American character and the lack of understanding, which the British Government had for it. It was fought and won by the Colonists because of an idea. The idea was

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