American Express Advantages And Disadvantages

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American Express (AE) traditionally found it difficult and expensive ($250) to find new customers. Affluent areas were selected and everyone within the neighbourhood received a mail shot. AE specifically target the high end market with their value added personal cards that offer additional products and services to the cardholder.
Successful social strategies result in reducing costs/increasing the customer’s willingness to pay through the establishment/strengthening of relationships by customers who do so for free on the company’s behalf (Pikorski, 2011). Through a collaboration with Facebook, the Link/Like/Love application connects an AE card holder’s Facebook account to their past purchases, providing customer specific rewards that are credited to their AE card if accepted. AE are taking the individual – advertising relationship to a whole different level with the introduction of the company into the digital/convergence era (Campos Da Silva, 2013). Through Facebook, users can choose to inform their ‘friends’ when they have taken up the discount offer. If a ‘friend’ then clicks on...

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